Professional dental services

We offer quality services and modern technology, together with our specialists’ care for your teeth’s long term health!
Price listMake an appointment
Oral Implantology

Oral Implantology

The department lead by Anca Vereanu, MD., specialist in dental surgery, fixes dental loss with the help of great quality dental implants. Here is where we treat both our children and our friends
Dental Aesthetics

Dental Aesthetics

We personalise smiles! With our help you receive both treatment and consultancy regarding teeth alignment, structure and colour in line with general features and unique personalities.
Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery

Patient by patient, we change the perception about going to the dentist. Prevention and surgical treatment of dental issues take every care and bad memory away for the long run.


CEREC the most innovative dental CAD/CAM system for dental practice. It allows the dentist to digitally record impressions, design and quickly mill various dental works in the practice.

Procedura dinti intr-o zi clinica Vereanu

Procedura "Dinti intr-o zi"

In short Fast & Fixed means 12 teeth on 4 or 6 implants. The principles of mechanical physics are ancient and they are still fully valid today. Implants have only one purpose, to be posts in the support of teeth/points so that patients can eat/bite.



Even beautiful teeth can hide serious problems that get treated too late. We treat gum disease and alveolar tooth problems before it is too late. With our help you can keep your natural teeth for life!
A doua opinie medicala

Second medical Opinion

Seek a second medical opinion, especially when it comes to extensive work such as dental implants and veneers.



We take care of your teeth even from the beginning. We believe in treating the diseases of the tooth nerve and avoiding disastrous consequences.


Children receive special attention at our clinic! Wednesday is dedicated to children and our cabinets are decorated with stuffed animals to ensure a very pleasant visit.

Make an appointment

With our help, you can enjoy the perfect teeth for a long time! Fill in the form and we’ll contact you as soon as possible to set up a schedule.